什么是 Stack 以及如何在没有 Collection 的情况下在 Java 中实现 Stack?
已发表: 2022-06-27Java中的堆栈是什么?
你听说过LIFO吗? 后进先出的概念? 好吧,Stack 是线性数据结构的 LIFO 实现。 这意味着,对象只能从一端插入或移除,或者换句话说只能从顶部插入或移除。
这是我们自己在 Java 中的 Stack 实现
我们将为 Java Stack 创建以下函数。 请注意:我们没有使用任何内置的 Java Collection 类来实现 Stack。
我们将在下一个教程中使用 Java Collection for Stack。 现在已经出文章链接了。
- crunchifyPush() - 它在堆栈顶部插入一个项目。
- crunchifyPop() - 它删除堆栈顶部的对象并从函数中返回该对象。 堆栈大小将减一。
- crunchifyPeek() - 它返回堆栈顶部的对象,而不将其从堆栈中删除或以任何方式修改堆栈。
- crunchifyIsEmpty() - 检查堆栈是否为空。
- crunchifyIsFull() - 它测试堆栈是否已满。
- crunchifySize() - 它返回堆栈中存在的元素总数。
- 创建类 CrunchifyJavaStackTutorial.java
- 将以下代码复制到您的 Eclipse 或 IntelliJ IDEA 中。
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package crunchify . com . java . tutorials ; /** * @author Crunchify.com * How to implement Stack in Java? Best way to implement Stack in Java. * Revision: 1.0 */ public class CrunchifyJavaStackTutorial { private static int crunchifyStackSize = 0 ; private static long [ ] crunchifyStackArray = new long [ 0 ] ; private static int crunchifyStackTop ; public CrunchifyJavaStackTutorial ( int crunchifyInt ) { crunchifyStackSize = crunchifyInt ; crunchifyStackArray = new long [ crunchifyStackSize ] ; crunchifyStackTop = - 1 ; } // Let's implement below standard Stack utilities /* crunchifyPush() - it inserts an item at the top of the stack. crunchifyPop() - it removes the object at the top of the stack and returns that object from the function. The stack size will be decremented by one. crunchifyPeek() - it returns the object at the top of the stack without removing it from the stack or modifying the stack in any way. crunchifyIsEmpty() - it checks if the stack is empty or not. crunchifyIsFull() - it tests if the stack is full or not. crunchifySize() - it returns the total number of elements present in the stack. */ // crunchifyPop(): it removes the object at the top of the stack and returns that object from the function. The stack size will be decremented by one. public long crunchifyPop ( ) { return crunchifyStackArray [ crunchifyStackTop -- ] ; } // crunchifyPeek: it returns the object at the top of the stack without removing it from the stack or modifying the stack in any way. public static long crunchifyPeek ( ) { return crunchifyStackArray [ crunchifyStackTop ] ; } // crunchifyIsEmpty - it checks if the stack is empty or not. public static boolean crunchifyIsEmpty ( ) { return ( crunchifyStackTop == - 1 ) ; } // crunchifyIsFull() - it tests if the stack is full or not. public static boolean crunchifyIsFull ( ) { return ( crunchifyStackTop == crunchifyStackSize - 1 ) ; } // crunchifyPush() - it inserts an item at the top of the stack. public void crunchifyPush ( long j ) { crunchifyStackArray [ ++ crunchifyStackTop ] = j ; } // crunchifySize() - it returns the total number of elements present in the stack. public static int crunchifySize ( ) { return crunchifyStackTop + 1 ; } public static void main ( String [ ] crunchifyArgs ) { CrunchifyJavaStackTutorial crunchifyStack = new CrunchifyJavaStackTutorial ( 5 ) ; crunchifyPrint ( "Is Stack Empty? " + crunchifyIsEmpty ( ) + "\n" ) ; crunchifyStack . crunchifyPush ( 123 ) ; crunchifyStack . crunchifyPush ( 234 ) ; crunchifyStack . crunchifyPush ( 345 ) ; crunchifyStack . crunchifyPush ( 456 ) ; crunchifyStack . crunchifyPush ( 567 ) ; crunchifyPrint ( "Peek() value: " + crunchifyPeek ( ) + "\n" ) ; while ( ! crunchifyIsEmpty ( ) ) { long crunchifyValue = crunchifyStack . crunchifyPop ( ) ; crunchifyPrint ( "Stack value: " + crunchifyValue ) ; } crunchifyPrint ( "" ) ; crunchifyPrint ( "Is Stack Empty? " + crunchifyIsEmpty ( ) ) ; crunchifyPrint ( "Is Stack Full? " + crunchifyIsFull ( ) + "\n" ) ; } // Simple Crunchify Print Utility private static void crunchifyPrint ( Object crunchifyValue ) { System . out . println ( crunchifyValue ) ; } } |
运行 Java 程序:
只需将上面的程序作为 Java 应用程序运行,您应该会看到如下结果。
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Is Stack Empty ? true Peek ( ) value : 567 Stack value : 567 Stack value : 456 Stack value : 345 Stack value : 234 Stack value : 123 Is Stack Empty ? true Is Stack Full ? false Process finished with exit code 0 |
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